Operation KEEP WELL Online Programmes
Online Pilates via Zoom - Starting Wednesday 18th January at 7pm, online class via zoom. Cost €10 for 6 weeks (excluding booking fee). Pilates has many benefits including Increases strength, flexibility, and endurance. Its an activity that is gentle and modifiable, while Improves and maintains mobility. To Register Click Here
25th January @7.30pm: Operation Keep Well in Cavan- All things Nutrition
FREE talk with Charlotte Wilson, Community Nutritionist, The food pyramid,
1st February @7.30pm: Operation Keep Well in Cavan- 5 ways to Well-being
FREE The Five Ways to Wellbeing workshop delivered by Kim Doherty development officer with Mental Health Ireland. The Five ways to wellbeing are simple actions to practice each day to maintain or improve our mental health and wellbeing.
Cavan Sports Partnership website has a bank of KEEP WELL Resources - Click Here and you will find a variety of exercise classes, nutritional resources and minding your well